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This report on the outdoor LED display market studies the current state and future prospects of the global LED display market. Stakeholders in this report include companies and intermediaries engaged in corporate health plans and services, as well as new entrants who plan to enter the market. The present report includes a detailed executive summary and a market profile that provides comprehensive information on the various sectors and subsectors considered in the context of the study. This section also provides general information and data analysis for the global outdoor LED display market, dividing the leading market segments according to service types and regions.

Market dynamics-The increased demand for billboards, video walls, stadium screens, perimeter boards, and scorecards is expected to boost the size of the outdoor LED display market.

Geographically, outdoor LED Display Market report 2018-2026 detailed analysis of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, the Middle East and Africa and other major regions. For the international market to provide outdoor LED display market analysis, including development history, competitive pattern analysis, the main regional development status, product types and application segmentation.

Outdoor LED Display Market reports cover product types, applications, manufacturers, production, consumption, sales, revenue, market share, gross margin, cost, gross margin, market share, CAGR, import and export, market impact factors and so on.

As consumers buy products (clothing, bags, etc.) in a variety of ways, shopping in the virtual network becomes more and more convenient and fast, which brings great pressure to physical transactions.


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LED Digital Posters are originally intended to turn the way ads from passive to active. The interactive nature of screen posters makes them have the functions of public service, entertainment interaction, hotspot resonance and so on. Through the browsing of media advertising, to attract the initiative and tendency of customers, so that customers are willing to buy on the spot.

LED Poster Screen is a new generation of intelligent LED display advertising products, built-in customizable Novastar media player, 4G storage space, through Wifi, USB, and HDMI to form a complete playback system. It can also display pictures, text, videos, widgets (weather, clocks, maps, exchange rates, etc.) and other multimedia assets.

It is not only widely used in shopping malls, shopping guides, and product launches, but also widely used in advertising platforms, airport emergency notices, instant information releases, supporting service information releases, luxury shop promotions, chain brand shop window posters.

A senior media worker said: “Digital poster screen has a variety of direct publicity effect, to solve the problem of forced delivery of advertising.” It is light, thin, easy to move and flexible. It effectively saves space and makes the embodiment of media propaganda carrier more and more humane.


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Simple aluminum alloy Design Cabinets
Full color LED poster screen surface smooth as a mirror, also known as mirror LED display. The use of high-end aluminum alloy production, so that the entire screen than the traditional screen more beautiful. Thickness of only 40 cm, active heat dissipation, to ensure long-term operation safety. It is more energy efficient than traditional screens and has lower advertising costs.

Absen LED products are used to make a huge DOOH display, which is 15 meters high above the exterior wall of the Hua-Yang Plaza Hotel in Luoyang, China. This is where the one-month Peony cultural festival is held. The display covers an area of 730 square meters and has a pixel density of 6760 x 420, making it the highest-resolution OOH LED display in the city’s history.

At the Peony Cultural festival, which takes place from mid-April to mid-May each year, peony blossoms bloom and folk performances are staged in the park. Located in the middle of Luoyang Peony Garden, Luoyang National Garden, Wangcheng Park and Peony Square, Huayang Plaza Hotel is a perfect location, with billboards welcoming visitors from all over the world. The billboard is located in an excellent location to attract passers-by, Wanda Plaza is opposite, just a few minutes ‘ drive from the train station and airport.